Jocelyne Daw

Jocelyne Daw is a recognized changemaker in strategic business-community investment, cross-sector partnerships, social purpose branding and community engagement. Success created through highly effective team leadership, systems thinking and pragmatism. Through her strong track record of speaking and publishing, she has built a national and international reputation and network. To round out her practical experience she is a certified Partnership Broker & Trainer and an accredited Shared Value Consultant. Partnerships offer the potential for outcomes bigger than any one organization could achieve on their own. Done well, such collaborations enable innovation, create greater value and strengthen commitments from a broader range of people, perspectives and organizations. But success is not always guaranteed. Like anything that delivers great results, collaboration takes hard work, flexibility AND courage. Her two internationally books published  by John Wiley & Sons: Cause Marketing: Partner for Purpose, Passion and Profits, and Breakthrough Nonprofit Branding: Seven Principles to Power Extraordinary Results are both best sellers on Amazon.